Friday, July 8, 2011

The Sprinkler

Life around this place is a circus. Yesterday i noticed the grass looked dry, and crunchy. I suggested we put out, the sprinkler, and then gave the children permission to run around, and have fun. I was busy putting chemicals in the hot tub. I asked Noah to go ahead, and be the one to handle, turning the sprinkler on. I hear Savannah scream, "Mommy it's hot." I don't bother to turn around, I just say, "Its OK honey... run around, get wet, you will get cool in a minute." Then i hear a shrilling scream, "It's HoT MOMMY!" Then i turn around, and Noah is doing this matrix looking move, with his hands flailing through the air. He gets to his feet and dives through the air, then ends his moves... with a roll.  I then realize, he used the hot spicket, instead of the cold...UmmmWhoops! A few minutes after that fiasco, Charlie squeezes through, the bottom of the fence. The kids, and I are all chasing this bundle of fearless, energy. Noah is diving at him, Savannah is laughing like a loon, and i am screaming, " You are getting a ballsectomy buddy, and when i catch you...I'm doing it today,  with a butter knife!" I had enough! I cant imagine what the neighbors are thinking about us, they probably got a good laugh. Finally the little criminal was caught. I pulled out this doggie kennel, that has never been used. Point to it and force him in, calling him bad! We all go in, and watch, from the kitchen window. He stands in it, turns a few circles,and then plops down. After about 5 minutes, I let him out. He goes in the house, gets a drink, goes back out, and climbs into the open cage and goes to sleep.Then i realized, Charlie is officially a Wilkintard. As i am sitting here writing this blog, Savannah feels bad, she is the only one who doesn't have a friend, over for tonight. So i agree to play spa with her, while i get some computer work done. Let's just make it clear, i am a professional mom, at this point. As long as they are quiet, and i can do what i need to do. I am willing to multi-task. I am also able to block, children sounds out. So i type away, she lifts my shirt up, she has a little paint brush, she is painting lotion on my back. She is rubbing it in, i feel relaxed. This is awesome! Then i hear tape being ripped, and a blow dryer noise.At this point she is quiet, she is happy, and I am happy. After all it is after 11pm. Savannah continues to rub down really hard on my back, with her hands, and then she says" Are you ready?" "Ok, i guess i am," I say, "Sure" All of a sudden Rip!!!! I feel heated, pain. I apparently didn't listen to the part, where i was informed we were playing Wax mommy's back!! Holy Hell, she just asked if i wanted my eyebrows done next. I think i pass!


  1. that was awesome! hahahahaha. Savannah loves her Momma ♥

    LOL @ Charlie too.......the lil shit wanted to join the Wilkintards in entertaining the neighbors.

    LOVE IT!!!
