Monday, July 11, 2011

Camo, Girls and Secrets!

Once In Awhile, Right In The Middle Of Ordinary Life..Love Gives You A Fairy Tale. This is the sign that hangs over my back door. I am ready to take a permanent market to it, and cross off Fairy Tale, and put in.. A Comic Book. All i can say right now, is next weekend, i am going to Chicago with friends, and I AM NOT THE MOM! I give over, all parental duties, Friday at noon. Next weekend, when my husband has the children, will assure my well being, and my place in his heart. No matter how much money i spend in the future, no matter what a pain in the ass i am, throughout our child raising years, he will never leave. He will never, ever want to do another weekend alone! Friday i took four girls to the mall, to get ice cream, out to eat, etc.I had to listen to girls,singing, every song that came on the radio.Bad, crazy singing! They spent the night, and i really didn't have any problems with them, other then a hot tub, which is now in some Futuristic mode, maybe i should get in...sigh! Then we have Zachass and his friends, i came in the door at 6:00pm, and there was camo everywhere. It looked like, someone ate a paint pallet of camo colors, and barfed all over my house. After two hours, of them packing macaroni and cheese, to cook on a campfire, I KNOW, I KNOW. Why me? Why, because my dad was always cursing me with, your children will be three times worse then you, couldn't he you just said two times worse? When i dropped the boys off, for their camp out, i was envious. They had the tent, underneath the stars, lanterns burning ,and you could see inside the woods.At 3:00am they walked back home, and crashed on the floor. I woke up to take the dog out at 6:00am, to the worst mess ever! When i asked them why didn't you stay, it looked so much fun? They said. " We got a little wild, someone knocked the tent over, and we couldn't get it back up, so we walked a mile home, with all of our stuff." They broke the tent...go figure! Here is a list of Stupids from the week.

1. We took the twins out, to a Chinese buffet, Zach got a craw fish off the buffet, and stuck it in the sugar/equal, holder so it would look like it was looking at the next person, to sit there.

2. When i was in the drive through at the bank, Molly said. "Whats a mortgage?" I say. " a house payment!" She says. " You mean we have to pay for a house, our dad built? Thats not fair" I agree!

3. Someone asked Eric 20. Where he was working, he said " He works for Krochelle, in The Caterpillar building." ( He oils machines) When they asked what he did, he said he was a lubrication specialist. ()_0 It just sounded wrong.

4. Savannah told my mom, i never used my Christmas present, and i probably didn't like it. When i confronted her, she said she was just being honest. I said , "you need, to not share personal family business. My mom came over yesterday and she said in front of my mom, when she was leaving. "Are you glad, i didn't tell Grandma... you and dad have been fighting, a lot lately?" Oh my Gosh, so then i had 20 questions from my mom.

5.My cleaning lady came over, and Noah had a gun, an extra clip, an ipod, a real police baton,handcuffs, and a tube of lotion laying on a chair, next to his bed. She looked concerned, and asked me if it was real. it was an air pistol, but why did he have his sisters lotion? When asked he said, he was using it to lube his police baton, it was stuck, and wouldn't extract. Maybe he should ask his brother, the lubrication specialist, what to do...


  1. Stephanie, thanks for sharing. Kids are usually brutally honest because they haven't learned to lie yet. Everybody's been through that. Then they go the other way, and you cant drag the truth out of them with a chain ! LOL

  2. Love how you tied it all together in the end! It was my morning wake up story, never mind I've been up for 5 hours!
