Thursday, July 28, 2011

No Rest For The Wicked!

Darkness falls across the land....The midnight hour is close at hand.... Creatures crawl in search of blood...To terrorize y'all neighborhood.. These creatures are called Wilkintard's, around these parts. I am in such need of sleep. Last night i just couldn't fall asleep. So, I talked to the big guy. Yes, i do this from time, to time. I had about a half an hour talk, about letting go of the past, embracing the future, getting my mojo back. I am at the same place i was ten years ago, i thought i would know what i wanted at this point. Not! God and I also had a talk about the way he messes with me, terrorizes me for his own entertainment. I offered up, some other people that he could use, for these purposes.Oh sweet baby Jesus, after a half an hour, i finally  fell asleep! I must of been asleep for twenty  minutes, before the cat started scratching to get out. Grrrr, when i done a room check for animals, the count was two. My husband and Charlie! I thought i was golden. Let me add, for some reason Savannah has been bunking with us, she has been having bad dreams.The cat got Charlie going, so i had to pin him down and get him back to sleep. He sleeps with us, because that's how i potty trained him.( I could keep track of his potty needs. I had to state that, because Gawd that sounded weird!) I finally get back to sleep, and Mollytard comes in, It is 11:00pm.She whispers in my ear. Can i have a friend over at noon! At this point i freak out!!! She wakes Charlie up and the little shit finds his squeaky monkey...eeeek, eeek, eeek, eeeek! (monkey noise!) I kick Charlie out of the room. At this point I am pissed. I start to go Tina Tourettes , which wakes the husband up.Then he asked me to tell him a story, this is not romper room, geeze!Then he starts talking, and talking, and talking! Finally he gets back to sleep.After we both fall fast asleep, Zach is hanging over my head. He said, " Hey Mom, i took Charlie out and he went Pee! "OMG are you serious? Its midnight! You woke me up for that...get the hell out!" Once again the husband gets woke back up.I decide i might as well go the bathroom, i come back in using my phone for a flashlight and I see that Savannah's much to small princess tent has only her head in it, and her hands look all limp.My heart kind of drops, because when you're half freak a bit. I pull it off her fast and there is two black cats inside, with my child s head. She wakes up, i tell her to go back to sleep.Oh my gosh my life is crazy! I fall back to sleep. I am just drifting into that bliss, where you kind of float. I get nudged to hear, " Mom, I think i have a canker sore, do we have medicine for that?" I flip at this point, and scream, " Get the hell out and lock the door Noah! It is now 1:00am." After that i did fall asleep and I wound up having a dream where i had a money tree.Then tap, tap, tap. "Mommy, mommy, it's me Savannah Fate. I had the silliest dream, Molly told me we were Mexican's and my skin was real tan, and then we had a ton of Chihuahuas. They were so cute mommy! " Go to sleep my little Senorita. If you wake me up one more time...I'm sending you to Mexico! Savannah is at her Grandma's tonight and warnings have been given. Now  I'm just waiting on the sandman!


  1. Maybe you should book a hotel room... just for yourself... so you can get some sleep. Just remember to turn off your cell phone and don't let anyone know where you are! ;-)

  2. Your house sounds like a zoo!
