Monday, October 3, 2011

Mondays, Mondays...ThEy cAn TAke mE AwAy

Monday, Monday...Are you kidding me? I didnt sleep well last night, because Charlies surgery for his ballsectomy was this morning. I didn't get this upset when my husband got his, I kinda had a grin on my face, and a spring in my step for Rick's! My morning started out with Molly barging in, and asking for a dollar. When i gave her one she said. "A dollar isnt really enough, i need something to go with it." sigh... Two seconds later, she ran back up and said. " Your organic lettuce smells fried, and the milk is hot!"First thing i thought of is my blueberry beer...NOOOO! Wait, it can recool. phew.. Molly goes on to whine.. "I think the fridgerator, is broke." My husband went down there and said. "Call someone." I say. "I dont have time to call someone!" I explain to him, the fridge is just a box, the freezer is what makes the fridgerator, cool. If the freezer is working, then we are good. If the lettuce is fried, it is the bulbs. The lettuce looks like the plants i forget to water, and they scorch out in the summer sun. He repeats. "Call someone..i remove the lightbulbs, and tie a flashlight to the handle..FIXED! This refridgerator isnt a harvest yellow model, from 1970. It is from two years ago, why is there a problem? I get Charlie ready to leave, have Savannah half way out the door. Eric, 20 yells. " Operation ball saver Charlie...escape!! " We make it out the door, Charlie is so excited...CAR,CAR, DriveThru windows, CAR! We make it to the vet pet hospital, and i get a text. Molly: 4got my cheerleading is raped around my light post! <---she got an A in spelling? sigh..I get in the door,of the vet, there is a big fluffy cat. Charlie is excited... he tries to jump up, to get a mouth of cat fur. He misses thank Gawd! We start to go over paperwork, and animals begin to howl. Charlie gets nervous, and jumps in my lap and shakes, which makes me worse! I am filling out the papers. TEXT  Molly: Forgot my cheer shoes too! Thanx!sigh.. Fill out more papers TEXT Eric: Operation ball saver is in effect. Run Charlie Run! Im in the parking lot! sigh... The dog is at this point shaking like a crack ho, who hasn't had her morning fix, he has his green bunny, hanging by one ear out of his mouth. The lady ask's about his previous immunizations, i have her call his other vet, they wouldnt let me have Charlie home till tomorrow, this place is letting me have him back at 15:00 . I need Charlie, and he needs me. I am an EMT. I am sure i can handle this after procedure, deal. The other vets only stop in a few times at night. Charlie will have his own medical care on the spot. 24/7. I really dont know much about dog health care, but some of my past patients.. acted like animals.It all works out! The lady gets the other vet office, on the phone. She asks about Charlie Wilkinson. She looks at me, and asks. " Is 'she' a cocker spaniel, or a poddle?" I say 'He' is a cocker, will you be doing the operation?" She says. "NO" I sigh with relief. TEXT5: Zach. I left my pads and uniform at home. Sigh... Text6: and helmot! <=== does not get an A in spelling. double sigh... The lady at the desk goes over all these extra things, and shots they require. She asks if i want blood work drawn. if i say no..i look like i dont care, and i am a bad mom. I say yes, and the lady tallys up more $$ in her head! She smiles. Then she offers me a pain med package for recovery, I say. " yes, and can you throw in a little extra for Charlie?" Text 7: Noah ( home because he has bumped his head hard yesterday. Really hard!) Mom, the milk was left out, it is hot!! Text From Me: Sweet Hell i will bring mcDonalds home for you, will explain later. I find myself in McDonalds parking lot, looking at Charlies pain meds...Hmmmm? I remember the dangers of drugs, and think i deal with that when i get home. I get Noahs food, order me up a big ass coke, that i dont  usually, let myself have. I get home, i hear the angels sing!!! I am closer to my hot tub, and a mommy's helper. I jump down from my jeep, that has the stupid suspension kit, on it that is unrealistic for a little 5'4 girl. As i jump with a large coke and a bag of food, my much to big jeans from last winter, slides down off my silky, underwear,and goes to my knees. The phone rings...The lady at the vet says. "We cant find his microchip!" Considering he doesnt have one, i would quit looking. She says. "For fourty more dollars... Ca-ching!! The surgery was suppose to be $120.00. sigh... Is today going to get better?


  1. LOL, your life would make a great reality TV

  2. I think I would probably snap living in your shoes. I can barely handle one 15 year old girl and quite frankly, she's pretty responsible, all things considered. I'm glad you got Charlie. I'm sure he can be a calming force on some days.
