Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Little Glimpse Into The Future Of This Blog

 Hello Everyone,  Just a quick blog to let you know what is going on. The kids are back in school, which is awesome for me. Zach is playing football for Streator High, Molly is Cheering for Junior High, Savannah wants to go back to gymnastics, and Noah wants to join the wrestling team. Eric 20, is working for Caterpillar full time, and he is going back to school, to finish his Criminal Justice Degree. The beginning of the school year will be bringing major drama...for Savannah, that we all can chuckle about.When we walked to school, on orientation, she started rambling about, something that made her upset ,on the playground, in kindergarten. Seriously, lets move on kid! I will be going back to the gym tomorrow, and having some me time.I also plan on blogging daily, it cleanses my soul. Getting the house back into shape, and having some quiet time. I am very excited about the Fall, and of course Halloween. My favorite time of the year. I plan on decorating the house, the beginning of September, otherwise i miss the October fun. I also plan on blogging on different, darker things that i find interesting. Maybe start that in September. When i blogged a few years back, a lot of people seemed to like it. I have blogs on Victorian Death Customs, Mummified Mysteries, Haunted Places, Real Experiences, Ghost Stories, Morgue Stories from my Internship, Real Haunting Experiences, Gypsy customs, spell work, witch boards, witchcraft, Etc. When i blogged before, these were main focuses on my blog, so i will be glad to bring some of the stories back... staring September 1st! I just dont have the same audience, i had at one time... so lets just see how it goes. Since my Blog is suppose to be magical...I would also like to add a little magic in my blogs. I understand some people are very religious, or dont believe so, if it offends you...SORRY!. Don't read the end of my blogs. When it comes to magic, i use simple things.. All Magic is, to me... is positive energy, and prayer, using get you in magic/ positive manifest what you want! I would like to share simple things, you are able to do...with no experience, with things you have in your kitchen drawer. Everyone has a little witch, or warlock in them..unlock the power! If i find that people are interested in my magic spell work. I may do a separate blog, so if you are looking for a spell...You would have an easier chance to find...what you are looking for. Please give me your input, so i can see where we are going with this.If you have a request, of magic. Hit my inbox!
                           To Remove A Problem
This is an old Romanian Gypsy Spell.Write your problem on the sole of an old shoe, put the shoe on, stomp on the problem 3 times, then take the shoe off, and throw it, into a fire. As you watch the shoe go up into flames, envision your problem.....burning and disappearing! Walk away knowing... your problem will be leaving you! The main part of any spell is, to believe, and to concentrate on the thought... that the problem has already left.


  1. Glad things are settling down for you. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.:)

  2. Thank You!I am looking Forward to having the time to write more blogs!

  3. Stephanie- when you and I first met, I remember you telling me about these things; your love of Halloween, your mystical side, your Dark side, etc. I think it's bizarre how you and I clicked immediately, and found that we were interested in the same things; albeit I was just a curious onlooker and you had practiced (?) dabbled (?) experimented (?) (not sure of the right word) and I couldn't wait to hear more. I am VERY much looking forward to your blogs!!!

  4. pssssssttt..........Halloween is my favorite time of year too!!

  5. I replied on my phone...Didn't work. At first i was afraid to be Judged, because before i blogged privately. I am so glad i meet you Jules, you made me just doesn't matter, and if people dont like me..they can go....! Lol!

  6. Does it work for people too ? I have a problem person that needs to be gone from me !

  7. I enjoy your blogs!! Do you have any info about haunted lighthouses?

  8. Thanks Bearshoes, Yes i do..I will try to do a nice blog on the subject for you..closer to Halloween!
